Pakistan’s diverse geography, including its mountain ranges, hosts a variety of snake species. In the mountainous regions, such as the Himalayas, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush, you can find several species of snakes. In the mountainous areas, snakes are often found in forests, rocky outcrops, and near streams or water bodies, where they hunt for prey. While some of these snakes are highly venomous and pose a danger to humans, others are relatively harmless. If you plan to explore these regions, it’s essential to be aware of these species and take precautions to avoid snake encounters.
Here are some notable ones:

- Himalayan Pit Viper (Gloydius himalayanus):
- Habitat: Higher altitudes in the Himalayas and adjoining ranges.
- Characteristics: Venomous; recognized by its stout body and broad, triangular head.

- Saw-scaled Viper (Echis carinatus):
- Habitat: Found in various regions, including foothills and lower mountain areas.
- Characteristics: Highly venomous; has a distinctive hissing sound produced by rubbing its scales together.
- Mountain Pit Viper (Ovophis monticola):
- Habitat: Prefers high-altitude forests and rocky terrains.
- Characteristics: Venomous; known for its cryptic coloration, blending well with the surroundings.
- Russell’s Viper (Daboia russelii):
- Habitat: Found in varied terrains, including lower mountain areas.
- Characteristics: Highly venomous; recognizable by its distinct chain-like pattern on the body.
- Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus):
- Habitat: Found in lower mountain regions and surrounding areas.
- Characteristics: Venomous; known for its shiny black or blue-black body with thin white bands.
- Indian Cobra (Naja naja):
- Habitat: Found in various regions, including the foothills.
- Characteristics: Venomous; identifiable by its hood and the spectacled pattern on its back.