The Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is one of the most well-known monkey species found in Pakistan.

Physical Characteristics

  • Size: Adult males are larger than females, weighing between 7-12 kg, while females weigh around 5-7 kg.
  • Color: Their fur is generally brown or grey with a reddish-pink face.


  • Social Structure: Rhesus macaques live in troops that can range from a few individuals to several dozen. Troops are matrilineal, with females staying in their natal group for life, while males typically leave the group upon reaching maturity.
  • Diet: Omnivorous, feeding on fruits, seeds, roots, insects, small animals, and human food scraps.
  • Adaptability: Highly adaptable to different environments, including rural and urban areas, making them one of the most successful primate species in the region.

The distribution of Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Pakistan is widespread, spanning various regions and habitats across the country. Here’s a detailed look at their distribution:

Geographic Range

  1. Northern Pakistan:
    • Himalayan Foothills: Found in the forests and mountainous regions of the Himalayan foothills, including areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and northern Punjab. They can be seen in places like Murree, Ayubia, and the Margalla Hills.
    • Azad Jammu and Kashmir: Present in the forested areas and hilly terrains of Azad Kashmir.
  2. Central Pakistan:
    • Punjab: Commonly found in the forested and agricultural regions of Punjab, including areas around Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and the Salt Range.
    • Urban Areas: Frequently seen in cities and towns, often in close proximity to human settlements, scavenging for food.
  3. Southern Pakistan:
    • Sindh: Present in the riverine forests along the Indus River and some urban areas, although less common compared to the northern regions.
    • Balochistan: Their presence is more limited in Balochistan due to the arid and semi-arid climate, but they can be found in some forested areas and near water sources.

Habitat Types

  • Forests: Rhesus macaques thrive in various forest types, including tropical, subtropical, and temperate forests.
  • Urban Areas: Adapted well to urban environments, often seen in cities and towns where they can find food easily.
  • Agricultural Lands: Often venture into agricultural lands in search of food, sometimes leading to conflicts with farmers.
  • Mountains and Hills: Inhabit the lower altitudes of mountainous regions, particularly in the Himalayan foothills.

Population Density

  • High Density: Regions with abundant food sources and suitable habitats, such as the Margalla Hills and the Murree area, have higher population densities of Rhesus macaques.
  • Moderate Density: Urban and semi-urban areas where they coexist with human populations.
  • Low Density: Arid and semi-arid regions, such as parts of Balochistan, where food and water are less abundant.

Interaction with Humans

  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: Their presence in urban areas often leads to conflicts with humans, especially when they raid crops, garbage, or homes for food.
  • Cultural and Religious Significance: In some areas, they are tolerated or even revered due to their association with cultural and religious beliefs.

Conservation and Management

Efforts to manage the population and mitigate conflicts include:

  • Awareness Programs: Educating the public about Rhesus macaques and promoting coexistence.
  • Habitat Protection: Preserving natural habitats to reduce the need for macaques to venture into human settlements.
  • Conflict Mitigation: Implementing strategies to prevent macaques from accessing human food sources and reduce crop raiding.